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浙江大学医学院外籍教师Daniel H. Scharf实验室招聘博士后

Daniel H. Scharf团队正在招募博士后研究人员。


项目背景 - 烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)是空气中普遍存在的腐生真菌之一。人类和动物不断大量吸入这种真菌的分生孢子。一般情况下,具有免疫能力的宿主会通过先天免疫机制将这些分生孢子清除。因此,A. fumigatus多年来被认为是一种弱病原体。然而在这些宿主中可以观察到两种不常见的感染性临床症状——曲霉瘤和过敏性支气管肺曲霉病。随着免疫抑制患者数量的增加,严重且通常是致命的曲霉病(目前世界上最常见的霉菌感染)的发生率急剧增加。我们实验室的研究重点包括(a)生物体的基因组和分子鉴定,(b)开发可用于诊断曲霉菌病的临床和实验室方法,(c)鉴定真菌在体内发生感染过程中起作用的宿主和真菌因子,(d)鉴定新的抗真菌靶标。




项目背景-胶质毒素Gliotoxin(GT)是ETP型真菌毒素的前体。 GT在烟曲霉的病理生物学中起关键作用。它能够调节免疫反应并诱导不同细胞类型的细胞凋亡。它的毒性归因于其分子内的一个特殊的二硫键,这个二硫键也是所有ETP的功能基序。具体而言,GT诱导细胞凋亡,通过抑制蛋白酶体抑制NF-B活化并抑制血管生成。这里仅列举GT对宿主细胞的几点作用。由各种致病真菌产生的其他ETP也可能在这些真菌的毒力机制中起作用。


应聘要求:应聘者已获得或即将获得博士学位,例如化学,生物学,生物化学或微生物学。此外,应聘者应具有良好的团队协作精神以及独立开展研究工作的能力。具有LC-MS,MS / MS,成像质谱(IMS),HPLC,NMR,HRMS或LC-MS等操作经验的应聘者优先。


项目背景-胶质毒素Gliotoxin(GT)是ETP型真菌毒素的前体。 GT在烟曲霉的病理生物学中起关键作用。它能够调节免疫反应并诱导不同细胞类型的细胞凋亡。它的毒性归因于其分子内的一个特殊的二硫键,这个二硫键也是所有ETP的功能基序。具体而言,GT诱导细胞凋亡,通过抑制蛋白酶体抑制NF-B活化并抑制血管生成。这里仅列举GT对宿主细胞的几点作用。由各种致病真菌产生的其他ETP也可能在这些真菌的毒力机制中起作用。














应聘者请将中英文个人简历,以及已发表的文章,获奖证明等以压缩包的形式发至dscharf1@arcor.de,邮件主题为application for postdoctoral research fellows+name+name of supervisor+liuxuehr.com。


Dr. Daniel H. Scharf

E-mail: dscharf1@arcor.de


Dr. Daniel H. Scharf’s group is recruiting postdoctoral researchers.

Position 1:

Project background – Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the most ubiquitous of the airborne saprophytic fungi. Humans and animals constantly inhale numerous conidia of this fungus. The conidia are normally eliminated in the immunocompetent host by innate immune mechanisms, and aspergilloma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, uncommon clinical syndromes, are the only infections observed in such hosts. Thus, A. fumigatus was considered for years to be a weak pathogen. With increases in the number of immunosuppressed patients, however, there has been a dramatic increase in severe and usually fatal invasive aspergillosis, now the most common mold infection worldwide. The focus of our lab, include (a) genomic and molecular characterization of the organism, (b) clinical and laboratory methods available for the diagnosis of aspergillosis in immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts, (c) identification of host and fungal factors that play a role in the establishment of the fungus in vivo, and (d) identification of novel antifungal targets.

In this project, the successful applicant will use our sophisticated in vitro and ex vivo model systems to investigate important aspects of Aspergillus fumigatus interaction networks during pathogenesis, focusing on the direct interaction of A. fumigatus with host epithelial cells. The overarching goal is to elucidate the pathogenicity mechanisms which lead to host damage.

Candidate’s profile – We expect a degree in Life Sciences (e.g. Biology, Biochemistry, or Microbiology). Furthermore, the applicant should be able to perform team-oriented as well as independent work. Practical experiences in one or more of the following subjects are beneficial: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Infection Biology, Cell Biology. Practical experience in cell culture, genomics or fungal genetics is an advantage.

Position 2:

Project background –Gliotoxin (GT) is the prototype of the epidithiodioxopiperazine (ETP)-type fungal toxins. GT plays a critical role in the pathobiology of Aspergillus fumigatus. It modulates the immune response and induces apoptosis in different cell types. The toxicity has been attributed to the unusual intramolecular disulfide bridge, which is the functional motif of all ETPs. Specifically, GT induces apoptosis, prevents NF-B activation by inhibition of the proteasome and inhibits angiogenesis, to mention only some of its effects on host cells. Other ETPs produced by various pathogenic fungi might also play a role in the virulence mechanisms of these fungi.

In this project, the successful applicant will try to identify and isolate novel ETPs and work on the elucidation of their respective biosynthetic pathways.

Candidate’s profile – We expect a degree in Life Sciences (e.g. Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, or Microbiology). Furthermore, the applicant should be able to perform team-oriented as well as independent work. Practical experiences in one or more of the following subjects are beneficial: hands-on skills in LC-MS and MS/MS, imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), previous experience in purification (HPLC) and chemical characterization of diverse types of natural products by high field NMR, HRMS, LC-MS.

Position 3:

Position Project background –Gliotoxin (GT) is the prototype of the epidithiodioxopiperazine (ETP)-type fungal toxins. GT plays a critical role in the pathobiology of Aspergillus fumigatus. It modulates the immune response and induces apoptosis in different cell types. The toxicity has been attributed to the unusual intramolecular disulfide bridge, which is the functional motif of all ETPs. Specifically, GT induces apoptosis, prevents NF-B activation by inhibition of the proteasome and inhibits angiogenesis, to mention only some of its effects on host cells. Other ETPs produced by various pathogenic fungi might also play a role in the virulence mechanisms of these fungi.

The aim of the project is to translate the knowledge from biosynthetic pathways of natural products into organic chemistry, achieved by developing novel chemoenzymatic synthesis tools. In many pathways large parts of the molecular complexity are set up by tailoring enzymes. These enzymes will be studied regarding their potential to act as biocatalysts that can substitute late and crucial steps in total syntheses. Therefore, interesting candidate enzymes should be identified and structural characterized.

Candidate’s profile – We expect a degree in Life Sciences (e.g. Biology, Biochemistry, or Microbiology). Furthermore, the applicant should be able to perform team-oriented as well as independent work. Practical experiences in one or more of the following subjects are beneficial: protein expression, purification and characterization, hands-on experience in protein crystallization, crystal handling and X-ray data collection, experience in protein crystallography including data processing, structure determination and refinement is a plus.


1. Basic requirements

The ideal candidates would be or possess:

(1) Outstanding newly PhD graduates from top overseas universities or universities listed in China’s “Double-First Class” initiative or preponderant disciplines, usually under 35 years old for Chinese applicant, 40 years old for Foreign applicant, and healthy.

(2) Strong capability of research innovation and project organization.

(3) Available for full-time post-doctoral research work.

2. Academic requirements

The candidates are supposed to meet the academic requirements of the School of Medicine, Zhejiang University


1. The annual salary is around RMB200, 000 yuan, and the fringe benefits are subject to the relevant post-doctoral regulations of Zhejiang University.

2. The post-doctoral research lasts from 2 to 4 years determined by the school, supervisor, and postdoctoral fellow himself according to the research projects. Postdoctoral research fellows who have been in the position for 3 years or above may apply for senior professional and technical positions.

3. Postdoctoral research fellows can apply for various projects funding during their stay.

4. Postdoctoral research fellows with excellent performance and outstanding academic achievements can be recommended to apply for the position of teachers in the school when they leave the position.

Application materials

1. Resume

2. Academic achievements and rewards list

3. Supporting materials

Please submit the application materials to Dr. Daniel H. Scharf:dscharf1@arcor.de with the subject “application for postdoctoral research fellows+name+name of supervisor+liuxuehr.com”.

Contact information

Dr. Daniel H. Scharf

E-mail: dscharf1@arcor.de


信息来源:浙江大学医学院 | 作者:admin | 时间:2018-12-21 16:22





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